
InsideRoS | The Registers of Scotland blog

Achieving efficiencies through data collaboration - RoS and RPID

Published: 13 July 2023

Joined up public sector collaboration

In the drive for cost savings and greater efficiencies across the public sector, it is crucial that organisations increasingly work together to derive joint delivery, value and benefits.

The Unlocking Sasines project is an example of such collaboration between Registers of Scotland and the Rural Payments and Inspections Division (RPID) at Scottish Government.

Unlocking Sasines project

The Unlocking Sasines project supports RoS’ strategic objective of delivering the benefits of land register completion. We recently published a blog outlining the Unlocking Sasines project and pilot release of the dataset.

The Unlocking Sasines data, the Land Register and Work in Progress figures combine to help answer the question of ‘who owns Scotland’ with a land mass coverage of 91.9% as of the end of June 2023. This coverage can be viewed on the map below.

Map of Scotland showing total land mass coverage as of June 2023

Collaboration on Unlocking Sasines

The Unlocking Sasines (US) team at RoS required spatial data for land and properties not registered on the Land Register as a starting point. In the early stages of the project, the team made good progress using RoS data, however there was still a large percentage of Scotland to cover.

It was recognised that there were datasets containing Sasines land parcels held by other organisations which could contribute significantly to refine our Unlocking Sasines data.

In early 2022, the team spoke with colleagues in RPID to investigate what datasets they held to understand if the data would be helpful. Those initial conversations uncovered the potential of that data and we worked together on how we could safely share it. This data has significantly contributed to answering the question of who owns Scotland. The granularity of the dataset enabled the US team to create defined areas that can be assigned to individual search sheets.

Using the RPID dataset has provided the opportunity to refine land mass already processed by the US team. We anticipate that it could be useful in refining other RoS datasets. We will continue to collaborate with RPID on future projects.

Jennifer Henderson, Keeper and Chief Executive of Registers of Scotland highlighted that

…as part of the public sector reform agenda, we seek opportunities to work with other public bodies where possible in digitisation and innovation. The outputs can result in data sharing, cost reduction and better access to information which will support the economy and benefit the people of Scotland. We anticipate that the Unlocking Sasines data will also provide insights to support public policy decision making.

This was an opportunity for RPID to share their data to deliver a better service to the people of Scotland. George Burgess, Director of Agriculture and Rural Economy at Scottish Government, commented

…by sharing and combining the data we hold with other relevant public datasets we can deliver better public services. The way we own, use and manage our land is fundamental to how we live in Scotland. I am delighted that RPID data has allowed Registers of Scotland to better answer the question of who owns Scotland.

Access the Unlocking Sasines Dataset

As noted in our previous blog on Unlocking Sasines, the dataset is the first phase to provide access to signpost customers to search sheet numbers over parcels of land.

We recognise that having the tools, software and ability to consume the data is not something all customers are able to do. With this in mind, we are working on the next phase which is to provide the data in a more accessible format which does not require technical knowledge and tooling.

If you are interested in finding out more about Unlocking Sasines, and wish to discuss access to the dataset, please contact us at