
InsideRoS | The Registers of Scotland blog

Sharing our Space – How RoS is embracing smarter working

Published: 21 March 2023

At Registers of Scotland (RoS), our vision has always been to provide a safe, inclusive, and modern space for our colleagues.

Based on evidence of workplace patterns and feedback from staff, our hybrid working spaces are more user focused, inclusive, flexible, collaborative, and creative.

We are now engaging with and sharing our offices with other government agencies to make the most of our available space and champion smarter working environments. This supports our colleagues across the public sector as well as delivering the benefit of being sound financial management of public funds.

Read on to find out more about how we have our adapted our offices. If you are a public sector organisation, and sharing our spaces is something you’d like to trial we’d love to hear from you. Please contact our Estates team with your details.

Cloud booking

Our hybrid workspaces are designed to enable colleagues to perform at their best and ensure we continue to deliver the highest quality service for our customers.

To make working from the office more accessible, we launched our Cloudbooking System. This allows desks and parking spaces to be booked in advance of visiting the office so colleagues can plan their time accordingly and make the most of their days in the office.


To respond to the demand to use the office for larger meetings and collaborative working we developed an office support team to make this process as seamless as possible. Support provided by the service includes:

  • Booking out spaces for onsite training or group work
  • Room set up of open spaces for workshops or team events
  • Providing equipment to host workshops (AV/whiteboards/stationary)
  • Booking catering for events

Tech support

To support partner organisations to securely connect and work in a shared location and SCOTS network solutions have also been installed in our offices.

Sharing our space

Colleagues from Consumer Scotland have been embracing this new way of working and are currently sharing a space in both our Edinburgh and Glasgow offices. A colleague from Consumer Scotland has shared their feedback with us below:

Sharing offices with Registers of Scotland has been of great benefit to Consumer Scotland. Apart from the economic benefits to the public purse, the use of Meadowbank House in Edinburgh and St Vincent Plaza in Glasgow has allowed new colleagues at Consumer Scotland to meet each other face to face for the first time which has been vital as our organisation grows and develops.

Both offices provide excellent working environments with access to the SCOTS network and a variety of different working spaces from open shared environments to small meeting rooms, larger break-out rooms and conference facilities – and the warm welcome from RoS staff has been much appreciated.

National recognition

In January, RoS was shortlisted for the Smarter Working Live Awards 2023 in the category of Improving Spaces: Creating a Great Place to Work. The Smarter Working Awards have been created in partnership with the Civil Service Smarter Working Programme, the leading event for the public sector celebrating innovation, collaboration and excellence. The platform recognises significant achievements made towards Smarter Working and the commitment demonstrated by individuals, teams and organisations to drive positive change.

We were nominated based on the improvements we have implemented in our offices, you can have a look for yourself here in a guided video tour of our offices.