What a manifest test is
Every request made to the TIE service needs to go through the ‘manifest test’. This is when the inaccuracy and rectification (the fix) are reviewed to decide if we are able to make the requested change. This is a legal test.
To pass, both the inaccuracy and the rectification must be considered to be “perfectly clear and not reasonably disputable”.
This means that the error and solution are both easy to identify.
Inaccuracies that are manifest
Below are a few examples of what could be considered a ‘manifest inaccuracy’.
A manifest inaccuracy can be:
- an incorrectly outlined/coloured property on the cadastral map
- any rights or burdens that have been incorrectly omitted
- an inaccuracy that has been decided by a court
- the death of a co-proprietor
Inaccuracies that are not manifest
Below are examples of what is not a ‘manifest inaccuracy’:
- anomalies between a description and plan within a deed (where the deed and the plan do not match up)
- typos (although we can fix these through the TIE service)
Read in-depth guidance about the manifest test.
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