Expenditure reports 2021
Published: 26 February 2021Freedom of information class: What we spend and how
Download our expenditure reports
As part of the UK government's transparency and reform agenda, public sector bodies are required to publish information on certain areas of expenditure.
The disclosure requirement includes details of spend on the following:
- Public relations
- External consultancy
- Hospitality and entertainment (including gifts)
- Overseas travel
- Staff remuneration in excess of £150,000
- Payments of more than £25,000
Our expenditure reports include all payments over £25,000. If we code an invoice to multiple expense types, we publish every expense type within the invoice.
We don't include information about salaries or other payments made to our staff.
For the list of exemptions, see the guidance for publishing spend over £25k.
Expenditure over £25,000
- January 2021 - (Excel file, 37.5 KB)
- February 2021 - (Excel file, 15.5 KB)
- March 2021 - (Excel file, 16.5 KB)
- April 2021 - (Excel file, 16.0 KB)
- May 2021 - (Excel file, 15.2 KB)
- June 2021 - (Excel file, 16.2 KB)
- July 2021 - (Excel file, 13.5 KB)
- August 21 - (Excel file, 14.8 KB)
- September 21 - (Excel file, 14.4 KB)
- October 2021 - (Excel file, 16.1 KB)
- November 2021 - (Excel file, 17.2 KB)
- December 2021 - (Excel file, 14.4 KB)
Government procurement card over £500
- January 2021 - (Excel file, 25.0 KB)
- February 2021 - (Excel file, 8.5 KB)
- March 2021 - (Excel file, 8.7 KB)
- April 2021 - (Excel file, 10.0 KB)
- May 2021 - (Excel file, 8.8 KB)
- June 2021 - (Excel file, 8.7 KB)
- July 2021 - (Excel file, 8.8 KB)
- August 21 - (Excel file, 8.8 KB)
- September 21 - (Excel file, 8.8 KB)
- October 2021 - (Excel file, 8.8 KB)
- November 2021 - (Excel file, 8.9 KB)
- December 2021 - (Excel file, 8.7 KB)
You can also download expenditure reports from data.gov.uk.
Public Service Reform Act
Public Service Reform review - 2021/22
Want to know more?
Contact our finance team by email at expenditureaccount@ros.gov.uk.