The Sasine Register is the register that predates the Land Register of Scotland.
If you have a ScotLIS Business account, you can now self-serve Sasine copy deeds. You can read more information about self-serve Sasine copy deeds.
RoS hold sasine deeds from 1869. If you require deeds prior to this date, contact National Records of Scotland.
If your property is not registered in the Sasine Register, it will likely be in the Land Register.
To order a Sasine deed, you’ll be asked for details such as:
- county
- recording date
- deed type
- parties
If this information is not available, you may wish to consider a Property Search or Land Title Investigation.
Order individual deeds from the Sasine Register.
You’ll receive an email confirming that we’ve received your order.
You’ll receive your order by email within 2 to 5 days.
If you require an additional copy deed, there will be an additional fee.